by abhishek | Aug 30, 2020 | Renewable Sources of Energy
A spherical reflector type solar cooker consists of a large spherical (concave) reflector which reflects the sun’s energy to a single focus point due to which a high temperature is produced in the focus area. Since, a spherical reflector type solar cooker reflects and...
by abhishek | Aug 30, 2020 | Renewable Sources of Energy
Construction of Box Type Solar CookerThe main parts of a box type solar cooker are: An insulated metal box painted black from inside. A glass sheet. A plane mirror as reflector. Principle and Working of Box Type Solar CookerIt is well known fact that a black coloured...
by abhishek | Aug 30, 2020 | Renewable Sources of Energy
We have studied that sunlight consists of infra-red rays. The heat of infra-red rays can be utilized to do some useful works by preparing suitable devices. Those devices which directly utilize solar energy to do some useful works are called solar energy devices. Solar...
by abhishek | Aug 30, 2020 | Renewable Sources of Energy
The green house effect is produced by carbon dioxide gas present in the atmosphere of earth. We have studied that sunlight consists 3 types of rays; Ultraviolet rays Visible light and Infra-red rays The infra red rays emitted by the sun are usually of short...
by Rajan Gupta | Aug 30, 2020 | Modern Periodic Table
The important advantages of the modern periodic table are given below : This classification is based on the atomic number which is a more fundamental property of the elements. Since this classification is based on the atomic number and not on the atomic mass, the...
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