d block elements

The elements in which the last electron enters the d-orbitals of their last but one (called penultimate energy level) constitute d-block elements. This block consists of the elements lying between s and p blocks starting from fourth period and onwards. They constitute...

P block elements

The elements in which the last electron enters the p-orbital of their outermost energy level are called p block elements. The elements of groups 13 to 18 involving addition of one (ns2 np1), two (ns2 np2), three (ns2 np3), four (ns2 np4), five (ns2 np5), and six (ns2...

S block elements

All the existing elements in the modern periodic table is divided into four main segments or blocks. A block consists of groups of elements having similar electronic configurations and properties. These are called s block, p block, d block and f-block. S block...

Reproductive Health

Reproductive healthReproductive health means to ensure a safe, responsible and satisfying reproductive life. As we know that usually the various types of diseases spread by different types of bacteria, virus, protozoans and fungi. In the same way there are some...

Groups in periodic table

The modern periodic table was constructed by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleyev in 1869. The modern periodic table consists of horizontal rows called periodsand vertical columns called groups. These are discussed below: Groups in Modern Periodic Table A group may...