Periods in periodic table

The modern periodic table was constructed by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleyev in 1869. The modern periodic table consists of horizontal rows called periods and vertical columns called groups. These are discussed below: Periods in the modern periodic table A...

Birth Control

Birth controlAs we have already discussed that the birth of a child can take place only after the fertilization of eggs by sperm. So we can avoid the birth of a child if we adopt some special method or techniques. The methods do not allow the sperms produced during...

Periodicity of elements

In chemistry periodicity of elements means the recurrence of similar properties of the elements after certain regular intervals when they are arranged in the order of increasing atomic numbers. Cause of Periodicity of Elements The cause of periodicity of the...

Modern periodic law

Modern Periodic Law of element may be defined as the Physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. It means, when the elements are arranged in the order of their increasing atomic numbers, it is observed that the...

Fertilization in Human Beings

Types of Fertilization Fertilization is of two types: 1. External FertilizationIt is the fusion of male gamete with the female gamete outside the bodies of parents. External fertilization takes place in those animals which live in water, such as fish and frogs. These...