Solenoid Magnetic Field

A solenoid is a long insulted copper wire wound in the form of a helix. When an electric current in passed through a solenoid, magnetic field is produced around it. The pattern of magnetic field produced in a solenoid when an electric current is passed through it is...

Remote sensing satellites

The technique which is used to get information about an object at a distance without being in physical contact with it is called remote sensing. The remote sensing is done through satellites called remote sensing satellites. The remote sensing satellites revolve...

Satellite communication

Satellite communication means sending, receiving and processing of information through satellites. For satellite communication, the information is sent to the satellites in the form of electromagnetic waves by transmitters located at the earth. The electromagnetic...

Orbits of satellites

The artificial satellites have generally three types of orbits: Polar orbits Equatorial orbits and Geosynchronous orbits Polar Orbits The orbits passing over the poles of the earth are called polar orbits. These orbits are present at the height of about 1000 km from...