by Rajan Gupta | Aug 31, 2020 | Rate of Chemical Reactions
It is a common observation that most of the reactions when carried out in a closed vessel do not go to completion under given set of conditions of temperature and pressure. In fact in such cases, in the initial state, only the reactants are present but as the reaction...
by abhishek | Aug 31, 2020 | Radioactivity & Nuclear Reactions
The process of nuclear fission can be understood on the basis of liquid drop model proposed by Yakov Frenkel, Neils Bohr and John Wheeler. In this model, nucleus of U-235 is treated as a positively charged, non-compressible drop of a liquid which is enclosed by a thin...
by Rajan Gupta | Aug 31, 2020 | Rate of Chemical Reactions
Irreversible reactions Generally we found that once reactants are converted into product then the product cannot be again converted into reactants. So, irreversible reactions are those reactions in which the products manufactured by reaction in reactants cannot be...
by Rajan Gupta | Aug 31, 2020 | Rate of Chemical Reactions
There are a number of factors which affect the rate of reaction such as- 1. concentration of reactants 2. Temperature 3. Catalyst 4. Radiations 5. Surface area of reactants Let us briefly discuss these factors 1. Concentration of reactants It is has...
by Rajan Gupta | Aug 31, 2020 | Rate of Chemical Reactions
Most of the chemical reactions are accompanied by energy changes. In some reactions, energy is given in the form of heat and light. While in some other chemical reactions heat and light energy is absorbed. So, chemical reactions can be classified into following...
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