by abhishek | Aug 27, 2020 | Non-Renewable Sources of Energy
The floating gas holder type bio gas plant consists of a dome shaped gas holder made of steel for collecting bio gas. The dome shaped gas holder is not fixed but is moveable and floats over the slurry present in the digester tank. Due to this reason, this biogas...
by abhishek | Aug 27, 2020 | Non-Renewable Sources of Energy
Biogas or (Gobar Gas) is a mixture of gases which is produced by anaerobic digestion of bio-mass in the presence of water. Generally, biogas is prepared by using animal dung, sewage, fallen leaves, rotten vegetables, straw and human excreta as bio-mass. The gases...
by abhishek | Aug 26, 2020 | Chemical Effects of Current
The process of electrolysis is used in depositing a layer of one metal over other. The process of depositing a layer of one metal over the surface of another metal by passing electric current in called electroplating. Electroplating of metals is done to protect the...
by abhishek | Aug 26, 2020 | Chemical Effects of Current
You have already learnt that there are certain chemical reactions which produce electricity. But, it is interesting to note that when electric current is passed through certain liquids a chemical reaction takes place. This is called chemical effect of electric...
by abhishek | Aug 26, 2020 | Chemical Effects of Current
When an electric current is passed through a conductor, the conductor becomes hot after some time and produce heat. This happens due to the conversion of some electric energy passing through the conductor into heat energy. This effect of electric current is called...
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