Vestigial Organs

The organs which occur in reduced form and are useless to the possessor but were fully developed and functional in its ancestors are called vestigial organs. For example the nictitating membrane in humans is a vestigial organ. It is a small, pinkish, reduced and...

Analogous Organs

Analogous organs are the organs of different animals which have different basic structure but perform same function. For example, the wing of a bird and the wing of a butterfly have different structures but they perform similar function so they are analogous organs....

Homologous Organs

 Homologous organs may be defined as the organs of different animals which have similar basic structure but different functions. For example, the flippers of a whale, the forelimbs of a frog and man have the same basic structures but they perform different functions,...

Organic Evolution

 The word organic evolution is made up of two words ‘organic’ which means ‘living organisms’ and ‘evolution’ which means ‘unfold’. So, organic evolution is the unfolding of the process of formation of different types of organisms. As we see that there are millions of...

Tissue Culture or Micro Propagation

The production of new plants from special tissues in the synthetic nutritive medium containing plant nutrients and plant hormones is called tissue culture or micro propagation. In this technique some plant cells or plant tissues are taken from the meristamatic regions...