Alloys of steel

Alloys can be defined as the homogenous mixture of two or more metals or non metals. Alloying of metals is done to improve the properties of metals such as their hardness, toughness, brittleness, colour and their durability. Here we will discuss some important alloys...


Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. It is prepared by mixing about 0.1 % to 1.5 % of carbon in iron. Methods of Production of Steel  Steel can be manufactured by using following three methods. Bessemer converter Open hearth process Electric furnace process But here...


The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered by Henry Becquerel in 1896. It may be defined as the phenomenon of spontaneous emission of high energy radiations (alpha rays, beta rays and gamma rays) from certain heavy elements by disintegration of their heavy nuclei....

Types of glass

We know that glass is used for making many articles, but we cannot use same type of glass for making everything. This means that we need different types of glass for different purposes. These types of glass can be made by changing the chemical composition of ordinary...


 Definition of Isotopes: Isotopes of an element are the atoms of the element which have same atomic number but different mass number. Examples of Isotopes Isotopes of HydrogenHydrogen element also exists in the form of three isotopes: protium (1H1), deuterium (1H2)...