Radiation Poisoning

During nuclear reactions high energy radiations called nuclear radiations are continuously produced. These radiations effect human beings, animals, plants and buildings very seriously. Actually the nuclear radiations consist of high energy gamma rays which have high...

Nuclear Fusion

   Nuclear fusion may be defined as the process of combining two or more light nuclei to form a single heavy nucleus. The nuclear fusion reaction is also accompanied by liberation of a large amount of energy. It is found that the enormous amount of energy produced...

Nuclear Power Plants in India

 In India the first nuclear power plant called “Tarapur atomic power station” was established in Maharashtra in 1969. The important nuclear power plants in India are: Tarapur nuclear power plant at Tarapur in Maharashtra. Rajasthan nuclear power plant at Rana Pratap...

Nuclear Power Plant

 The nuclear power plant is a device in which controlled fission reaction of U-235 is done to produce electricity. Nuclear reactor consists of nuclear fuel, coolant, moderator and controlling roads. Construction of Nuclear Power PlantA nuclear reactor consists of...