
Coal has been used as a main source of energy by human beings for centuries. It is formed millions of years ago by anaerobic digestion of remains of large plants that got buried in the earth due to earthquakes. Occurance of CoalAlmost in every country big reserves of...

Fossil Fuels

Those fuels which are formed millions of years ago from the anaerobic decomposition of remains of living organisms, buried under the earth are called fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are mainly of 3 types. The names of 3 fossil fuels are Coal, petroleum and natural gas. It...

Fixed Dome Type Biogas Plant

 The fixed dome type bio gas plant consists of a closed underground digester tank made up of bricks which has a dome shaped roof also made up of bricks. This dome shape roof of the digester tank functions as gas holder and has an outlet pipe at the top to supply gas...

Biogas Plant

Biogas or (Gobar Gas) is a mixture of gases which is produced by anaerobic digestion of bio-mass in the presence of water. Generally, biogas is prepared by using animal dung, sewage, fallen leaves, rotten vegetables, straw and human excreta as bio-mass. The gases...