by admin | Aug 9, 2020 | Genetics
It is the branch of science which deals with the synthesis of artificial genes, repair of genes and combination of genes of two different organisms. The technique for the combination of genes of two different organisms involves the cutting of a particular gene (or a...
by admin | Aug 9, 2020 | Genetics
Complementary pairing is such a specific type of pairing in which the sequence of bases in one strand determines the sequence of bases on the opposite strand. For example, in the structure of DNA wherever adenine appears in one strand, thymine appears opposite to it...
by admin | Aug 9, 2020 | Genetics
The full form of DNA is Deoxyribonucleic Acid. DNA is the genetic material in all the eukaryotic organisms. DNA is present mostly in the nucleus of all cells and is a main component of chromosomes. Chemical Composition of DNA The basic structural unit of DNA is...
by admin | Aug 9, 2020 | Genetics
The full formation of RNA is ribonucleic acid. RNA is the genetic material of some viruses i.e. it is responsible for the transmission of hereditary information from one generation to other in viruses. RNA is present in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes as nucleus is...
by admin | Aug 9, 2020 | Genetics
Nucleic acid was first of all isolated by a scientist Fredrick Meisher in 1870 from the nucleus of the pus cells. Nucleic acids are substances which are responsible for the transmission of hereditary information from one generation to other. Actually nucleic acids are...
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