Karyotype or Idiogram

It is the pictorial arrangement of total chromosomes of a cell according to their size during metaphase of cell division. Karyotype is made to study the abnormalities in chromosomes or to identify the sex of an organism. The karyotype of human beings is shown in fig....

Autosomes and Sex Chromosomes

Autosomes are those chromosomes which are not linked with sex. So autosomes are non-sex chromosomes. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in human beings. Out of these 23 pairs, the first 22 pairs of chromosomes except 23rd pair are called autosomes. The chromosomes...

Diploid And Haploid Cells

We have already studied that every species has a fixed number of chromosomes. And these chromosomes occur in pairs. This means that there are two chromosomes of each kind, or we can say that there are two sets of chromosomes. Thus a cell in which chromosomes occur in...

Types of Chromosomes

Chromosomes can be classified into four types depending on the position of the centromere in it. These are: 1. Metacentric Chromosomes  The chromosomes in which the centromere is in exactly middle position are called metacentric chromosomes. These chromosomes are V...

Number Of Chromosomes

Every plant and animal has fixed number of chromosomes. For example, the human beings have 46 chromosomes in every cell. The chromosomes of each species occur in pairs, out of which one comes from father and the other comes from mother. In this way, we can say that...