Mirror Formula

A mirror formula may be defined as the formula which gives the relationship between the distance of image v, distance of object u, and the focal length of a mirror. It may be written as,     where,   v = Distance of image from pole of mirror u = Distance of object...

New Cartesian Sign Conventions for spherical mirrors

For measuring the various distances in the ray diagrams of reflection by spherical mirrors, we shall adopt the following system of signs called new cartesian sign conventions. All the distances in a ray diagram of reflection by spherical mirrors are measured from the...

Uses of spherical mirrors

Following are the important uses of spherical mirrors: The concave mirrors are commonly used as shaving mirrors because when we see our face in the concave mirror then an enlarged and erect image is formed which helps in smooth shaving. A concave mirror is used as...

Formation of images by a convex mirror

The image formed in a convex mirror is always virtual and erect, whatever be the position of the object. Now, let’s study the types of images formed by a convex mirror 1. When the object is placed at infinity When the object is placed at infinity, the two rays AD and...