Focal length of spherical mirrors

IMPORTANT TERMS RELATED WITH SPHRICAL MIRRORS Centre of Curvature of Spherical Mirros The centre of curvature of a spherical mirror is the centre of the hollow glass sphere of which the mirror is a part. It is represented by the letter ‘C’. In fig.(a) and fig.(b) C is...

Spherical Mirrors

Before discussing the reflection of light by spherical mirrors we shall discuss the meaning and types of spherical mirror and some important terms related with spherical mirrors. Spherical Mirror A spherical mirror is a part of a hollow sphere of glass whose one side...

Position of images formed in a plane mirror

To find out the position of the image formed by a plane mirror after reflection, take a plane mirror MM’. Now place an extended object AB of size h on the left side of the mirror at a distance u. An incident ray of light AP from the point A of the object AB falls...