Genotype and Phenotype

Genotype Genotype is the particular set of genes present in an organism’s cell. In other words, the genotype is the genetic constitution of an organism. Phenotype All the observable characteristics of an organism, such as shape, size, colour and behaviour are called...


Gene is the hereditary unit which is responsible for the inheritance of characters from one generation to other. Actually gene is a part of DNA and is made up of nucleotides. The term gene was first of all coined by scientist Johanssen in 1909. Genes are responsible...

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

The organisms can be classified into two types depending on the fact that whether their nucleus is enclosed by a nuclear membrane or not. These two types are Prokaryotes The organism in which nucleus is not bound by nuclear membrane are called prokaryotes e.g....

Genetic Disorders

Any variation in number of chromosomes (increase or decrease in the number of chromosomes) from normal number, or a change in the shape of a chromosome during the fertilization which leads to severe abnormality or disorder in the child after birth is called genetic...

Karyotype or Idiogram

It is the pictorial arrangement of total chromosomes of a cell according to their size during metaphase of cell division. Karyotype is made to study the abnormalities in chromosomes or to identify the sex of an organism. The karyotype of human beings is shown in fig....

Autosomes and Sex Chromosomes

Autosomes are those chromosomes which are not linked with sex. So autosomes are non-sex chromosomes. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in human beings. Out of these 23 pairs, the first 22 pairs of chromosomes except 23rd pair are called autosomes. The chromosomes...