Nuclear Chain Reaction

We have already discussed that when a slow moving neutron hits a nucleus of U-235, three neutrons are produced. These three neutrons can strike with three more nuclei of U-235 to produce 9 neutrons, which in turn can bring about fission of nine nuclei of U-235 to...

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission is the process of splitting of a heavy nucleus into a number of lighter nuclei with the liberation of a large amount of energy. For example, when uranium 235 is bombarded with slow moving neutrons, it breaks up into two light-weight atoms barium 141...

Transuranium Elements

At present we are aware about 118 elements. Out of these 118 elements, first 92 elements i.e. the elements up to uranium are found in nature. This means that elements from Hydrogen (having atomic number 1) to Uranium (having atomic number 92) are naturally occurring...

Radioactive Decay

The phenomenon of radioactivity involves the release of alpha, beta and gamma rays by the disintegration of a heavy nucleus. When a radioactive substance emits alpha or beta particles it changes into other element. The process of conversion of one element into another...

Radioactive Radiation

The radioactive rays are of three types: Alpha rays Beta rays Gamma rays Nature and Characteristics of Alpha RaysThe alpha rays consist of very small positively charged particles called alpha particles. The alpha particles may be considered as helium nuclei because...