

Site of photosynthesis

The main sites of photosynthesis in a plant leaf are small cell organelles called chloroplasts or plastids. Chloroplast is basically a sac like structure containing chlorophyll pigment. Chloroplast can be seen just below the upper epidermis in a tissue, called the palisade. Chloroplasts are usually spherical or ovoid vesicles bounded by an envelope of two membranes and filled with a fluid matrix or stroma. In the stroma of chloroplast many flattened, ovoid sacs called thylakoids are present. At places thylakoids are closely packed on one another to form stacks of discs called grana (singular granum). The thylakoids of one granum are connected to the thylakoids of another granum through stromal lamellae.




Test Your Understanding and Answer These Questions:

  1. Why plants look green?
  2. Write a short note on thylakoids?
  3. In which organelle of plant chlorophyll is found?
  4. Write the name of the organelle where photosynthesis occurs. Also, explain its structure?

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