- Summary
The Fly Dubai airlines have submitted a proposal to renovate one of the terminals of Dubai International Airport to improve the quality of their services. The intention is to construct a double perimeter fence around the project terminal which will improve security at the airport leading to increased customer and employee satisfaction.
The double perimeter fence building project is divided into several activities ranging from initial training on project management, through construction processes to the final installation of CCTV. The entire project is intended to take ten months (approximately 40 weeks). The project would cost around Dh 100 million (equivalent to about $ 25 million). The project aims to take a period of about 10 months.
Better security and
the attractiveness of the airport will attract more customers to the
organization. This will increase sales in the organization thus ensuring
sustainable operations.
- Introduction
Fly Dubai was founded on 19th March 2008, headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, aimed at providing low-cost airline services to countries in the Middle East. Fly Dubai’s flight operations were intended to provide daily return flights from Dubai between Amman and Fleming (now known as Beirut), but on 1st June 2009 flights commenced flying between Dubai and Fleming.
The airline was expected to offer rapid expansion and flights to other countries in the Middle East, India, parts of Europe, and North and East Africa. In fact the airline has significantly increased its operations in the short term.
To improve its operations, Fly Dubai and Emirates Airlines have proposed to increase the security of Terminal 2 of Dubai International Airport by re-building its perimeter fence. Fly Dubai has a team of professionals with modern technical skills and sound management.
The security aspect is fundamental in businesses and organizations. Security is the key performance driver in these organizations. Industrial and commercial organizations are very concerned with the security of their premises. One of the measures that can be taken to ensure the safety of these premises is the perimeter fence.
A regular perimeter fence can be used effectively for warehouse safety, factories, schools and car park security. Advanced parameter fencing systems such as electric fences are important for the security of military-operated bases, powerhouses, prisons and construction sites. CCTV surveillance plays an important role in detecting agents of a criminal or terrorist act that has occurred in a given situation.
The airport has facilities that must be protected like other commercial complexes. Similarly, there is a need to ensure that no criminal and terrorist acts are done in the international hub. This is possible if proper screening is possible to enter the airport.
Thus, the project to be considered is that the airport has a perimeter fence to ensure security. This would not only include the construction of a physical barrier around the airport, but also the installation of electrically operated fences on the perimeter. The installation of CCTV within and around the airport will complete the project.
- Background
Fly Dubai Airlines provides flight services from UAE to 90 different destinations in the world. It is a Dubai-based low-cost airline that offers flights to other destinations. By serving over 70 million passengers, Fly Dubai is the second largest air carrier, by passenger numbers, operating out of Dubai International. It is rapidly expanding its operations to come into the international scene and is already operating at overseas destinations in Africa, Europe, Central Asia, GCC, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and South East Asia.
The airlines have undergone refurbishment to renovate one of the terminals of Dubai International Airport to improve the quality of their services. The intention is to construct a double perimeter fence around the project terminal. This will improve security at the airport leading to increased customer and employee satisfaction.
More customers will be attracted to the airline’s services. Likewise, employees will be motivated thereby improving their production. As such, the project has objectives that are consistent with the objectives of various airlines.
The perimeter-building project is divided into several activities ranging from initial training on project management, through construction processes to the final installation of CCTV. The entire project is intended to take ten months (approximately 40 weeks). The project would cost around Dh 100 million (equivalent to about $ 25 million).
Identification and antecedent linkage of the various activities involved in the project is necessary to ensure that the project runs smoothly. A Gantt chart in which the start and end times of each activity as well as their predecessor relationships will be used to monitor the progress of the project.
By examining the Gantt chart, important activities for the project such as conducting training, recruiting professionals, digging, and building concrete walls are identified. Many resources can then be seen as channels for these activities to ensure that the project is completed on time in front of less important people.
Cooperation and coordination among the various individuals involved will play a major role in the success of the project. Proper communication between project stakeholders is necessary to minimize the risks involved in the project.
Justification of choosing Fly Dubai
The perimeter-fencing around airport is important for several reasons.
- One is increased security (Free No-Hassle Estimate, 2011). The secure parameter fencing around airport will ensure that only authorized genuine passengers will be allowed into the airport.
- Second reason to secure parameter fencing around airport will maintain airport secrecy. The airport is fenced to ensure confidentiality of certain operations. The planning of crimes and other terrorist attacks can be minimized in some campaigns such as departure preparations kept private.
- Perimeter fencing is also done for aesthetic purpose (Free No-Hassle Estimate, 2011). It aims to improve the physical attractiveness of the airport.
Fly Dubai Airlines have proposed to reconstruct the perimeter fencing of Terminal 2 of Dubai International Airport. They currently employ more than 4,000 colleagues from 128 countries. Fly Dubai has a team of professionals with modern technical skills and sound management. So, the reason for choosing the Fly Dubai airlines is because of the importance of the task they have proposed and they also have the skill and competency to complete the same successfully.
- The project Plan
- Goals and objectives of the project
To achieve this, the organization intends to provide high quality services to its customers. It aims to provide a safe working environment for its employees. This requires the organization to operate in accordance with legal provisions within the UAE and across borders. Improving airport facilities is one of the measures to ensure that these business objectives are achieved.
Perimeter fencing helps prevent crimes and terrorist attacks thus improving security at the airport. It is a busy airport with many passengers and millions of cargo and mail, serving many passengers and many air cargo. The proper perimeter fence of the airport will improve international recognition of the facility.
The airport is a source of employment for thousands of people and an important contributor to economic development. Therefore, security at an airport is necessary both locally and internationally.
A high level of security in the airport will define the quality of services provided to customers. More customers will be attracted to the organization’s services thus increasing the organization’s market share. This is in line with business objectives.
- Assessment of the business case for the projectReasons for the project
The perimeter-fencing project is important for several reasons. One reason for perimeter fencing is increased security (Free No-Hassle Estimate, 2011). The completion of the projects will ensure that only authorized genuine passengers are allowed into the airport. Another reason that is also related to security is airport secrecy.
The airport is fenced to ensure confidentiality of certain operations. The planning of crimes and other terrorist attacks can be minimized in some campaigns such as departure preparations kept private. This is achieved through proper perimeter fence. Perimeter fencing is also done for aesthetic purpose (Free No-Hassle Estimate, 2011). It aims to improve the physical attractiveness of the airport.
- The costs
The project is projected to cost about Dh. 100 million. The airport is intended to have a double fence, a concrete wall, and an electric powered chain link. The amount is subdivided to different activities within the project.
This include cost of materials to be purchase for the construction of concrete wall (Dh. 30 million), payment of salaries and wages for the laborers during construction (Dh. 24 million), purchase of materials and construction of electric fence (Dh. 20 million) and installation of CCTV (Dh. 20 million). The remaining Dh. 6 million is left to cater for the emerging issues during the execution of the whole project.
The estimated of cost of project is about Dh. 100 million. A double fence, a concrete wall and an electric chain link are intended for the airport. The amount within the project is subdivided for various activities.
It includes the cost of material to be purchased for construction of concrete wall (Dh 30 million), salary and wages paid to laborers during construction (Dh 24 million), purchase of material and construction of electric fence (Dh 20 million). Is included. Installation of CCTV (Dh 20million). The remaining Dh 6 million is left to meet emerging issues during the execution of the entire project.
- Benefits of the project
As stated, the organization has some benefits from the project. This will protect the organization from the harm caused by the crimes committed in the airport. This initiative will also ensure compliance with legal provisions. Thus, the organization is not obligated for other damages such as fines by the relevant regulatory agencies.
A better work environment will also boost the morale of airport workers, who in turn will discharge their duties responsibly. This will improve the overall production of the organization. Thus, there is a relationship between security at the airport, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction in the organization.
- Timescales
The project aims to take a period of about 10 months. However, the benefits of the projects will not be given immediately after its completion. Better sales and increased customer satisfaction will be extracted at least one year after the completion of the project.
- Investment appraisal
The organization can carry out, which includes complete perimeter fencing, other alternative projects. This employee could have ordered security officials to patrol areas around the airport to detect terrorist attacks and other criminal acts. It is not only expensive, but also unreliable due to the expansion of the surrounding geographical area.
The intended project should be beneficial to the organization. In the deed, the perimeter-fencing project is of paramount importance. It is estimated that it will yield a return of around 40% per annum. On the other hand, the disadvantages that can be incurred to pursue projects are very large, irregular and cannot be predicted.
- Assumptions and constraints
- The project planning and management tools
The project can be easily managed if it is divided into simple subdivisions of project tasks termed as activities. The entire project is divided into two similar comprehensive activities for the construction of two fences. The perimeter-fencing project begins with the construction of an internal concrete wall. Construction begins after the laying of trenches, activities related to the outer fence.
It is important that the project should be finished completely so that all work is included in an activity (construction plan, n.d.). Some of the activities that constitute the entire project have some relationship. There are activities that should be started before others while other activities can be done simultaneously.
Estimates are for the period taken by each of the activities that make up the project. Some activities may not have duration but are to be classified as activities because the beginning of other activities will depend on them (construction plan, n. D.). There are some activities whose start or completion time can be delayed without affecting the timing of the entire project.
On the other hand, there are some activities whose start and end time cannot be delayed without affecting the timing of the entire project. These are called critical activities and trade off of resources to ensure that execution is not interrupted.
It is important to identify activities that depend on the completion of other activities in the entire project series that float without time. It is necessary to estimate the total project completion time.
The project has been scrapped for various activities. Some activities include other separate tasks that are grouped together. The activities involved in the project and their approximate duration in the week are given below.
a. Conduct training and education on project management to various personnel within the organization (3)
B. Purchase of materials for construction of concrete wall (2)
C. Recruitment of skilled professionals (4)
D. Unskilled Worker Recruitment (3)
E. General excavation and dismantling of existing fence (3)
F. Excavation for utility trenches (4)
G. Wall Construction (18)
H. Purchase of material for construction of external chain link fence (3)
I. Framework Placement for Fences (3)
J. Fence Construction (3)
K. Installation of electrically operated fence over chain link (2)
L. Gates Construction (6)
M. Installation of CCTV (2)
The above activities have antecedent relationships that can be defined as follows. Projects management will be completed by personnel in the organization, not by hired professionals. It is then necessary that various individuals be trained, before other activities of the projects can be carried out. Thus, Activity A will be the antecedent of all other activities in the project.
After activity A, activities of B, C and D can be done simultaneously. Activity E can only be completed after C and D as the excavation will require both skilled and unskilled laborers. Activity Utilization for Utility Trenches Then Activity e. The activity follows G that includes the construction of concrete walls as well as lighting such as installation.
Activities H and I can be performed simultaneously after the completion of Activity F (digging for utility trenches). It is necessary to complete both activities for the beginning of the activity. The J gate will be constructed with two layers of fence. Thus, the completion of the activities would entail the beginning of Activity K and the final activity in Projects G and J. CCTV (Activity M) will be set up.
- Monitoring and control of the project
A critical path analysis of the network developed by the above activities indicates that the activities of A, C, E, F, G, L and M fall on critical paths and the total estimated time for the project is 40 weeks. The available resources will be made more towards these important activities to ensure that the stipulated period of ten months is not exceeded.
Some float in and the entire project can be delayed for some time without delay. For example, the onset of Activity B can be completed for two consecutive weeks without delay.
Activity can be delayed for up to a week without affecting E. Floats will enable the monitoring and evaluation team to allocate more resources, like human hours, on critical activity to improve the full time for the project.
To monitor the progress of activities, a Gantt chart will be helpful in providing a visual impression of the activities that should have been performed at a certain time (GANTTCHARTS, 2011). The Gantt chart indicates activities that can be delayed without affecting the completion time of the project. It denotes the starting dates and expected completion dates of activities (Gantcharts, 2011).
The Gantt chart will also indicate dependencies between different activities throughout the project (Sodipo, 2008, p. 1558). Then it is possible to prepare the project based on the available resources. It involves performing a trade-off between time and available resources unless it is unethical to reduce further periods.
- Managing risks
There may be some failures due to misunderstandings between different stakeholders. This misunderstanding is caused by poor and untimely communication between key stakeholders. Failures can be reduced through proper identification of the objectives of a project and key stakeholders of the project.
In this case, an effective means of communication is identified that ensures a common understanding of the project and its objectives by all concerned personnel. Timely communication will enable the concerned persons to provide their opinion related to the intended project. It will be possible to learn about the opinions that are opposed to the project.
Conflicting issues arising in time may be considered in favor of the project. Various individuals related to this particular project have been identified. Different boards have an effective communication with each other and issues arising can be dealt with easily.
Failures are also avoided by allocating responsibilities to the right people. Most of the activities involved in this project require expertise in related fields.
Proper care will be taken to ensure that the right professionals and skilled workers are hired to carry out such activities. The human resources section, in association with the IT project manager, will be responsible for recruiting the right professionals for various assignments.
- Results
Important results that has been achieved through fencing airport parameter are-
- Market share of Fly Dubai has Increase. Secure fencing has attracted new passengers and has increased retention of existing and new customers
- The operations have been stabilized
- The security of passengers and airport staff has increased.
- Discussion
- Conclusion
There is evidence of the importance of this project for better operation at the airport. The success of the project will depend on the cooperation of all the stakeholders involved in the project. Proper communication of intended projects to various stakeholders is necessary to ensure its success. There is a need for proper coordination of all the activities involved in the organization.
- Recommendation
Important activities identified in the project should be given great attention. It is also important to examine past projects and meet those challenges. Failures for this project can be estimated from failures that have been experienced in other projects undertaken by the organization.
- References
Advanced Perimeter Systems Limited. (2011) ‘Perimeter Fencing, Electric Perimeter Fencing, Perimeter Management CCTV’ . Web.
Connecting with flydubai. (2011). ‘Emirates can now provide through connections to selected flydubai destinations’. Web.
Construction planning. N.d. ‘Defining precedence relationship among activities’. Web.
Flemming, A., (2009). ‘Fly Dubai – Low Cost Airlines Information for Fly Dubai’. Web.
Free No-Hassle Estimate. (2011). ‘Perimeter fencing’. Web.
Ganttcharts. (2011). ‘About Gantt charts’. Web.
Sodipo, E., (2008). ‘Project Management Explained. NY’. Web.
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