Carbon Compounds


Esters () are the derivative of carboxylic acids in which the –OH group of the carboxylic acids has been replaced by –OR group. There general formula is CnH2n+1COOCnH2n+1. For example,

Name Mol. Formula Structural Formula
Methyl acetate CH3COOCH3 Structure of Methyl Acetate
Ethyle acetate CH3COOC2H5 Structure of Ethyle Acetate

Preparation of Esters

Esters can be prepared by reacting acetic acid with ethanol in the presence of conc. H2SO4 as catalyst. This process is called esterification.


Esters is prepared by reacting acetic acid with ethanol in the presence of sulphuric acid

Uses of Esters: Following are the uses of esters:

  1. Esters are used as artificial fruit flavours for making essences in cold drinks, ice-creams and sweets etc.
  2. Esters are used as solvent for oils, fats and varnishes.
  3. Esters are also used in making artificial perfumes.

Test your understanding and answer these questions:

  1. What are esters? give examples.

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