The fixed dome type bio gas plant consists of a closed underground digester tank made up of bricks which has a dome shaped roof also made up of bricks. This dome shape roof of the digester tank functions as gas holder and has an outlet pipe at the top to supply gas to homes.
The slurry is prepared by mixing water in cattle dung in equal proportion in mixing tank. The slurry is then sent into the digester tank with the help of inlet chamber. It should be noted that slurry is fed into the digester tank up to the point where the dome of the roof starts. Inside the digester tank, the complex carbon compounds present in the cattle dung breaks into simpler substances by the action of anaerobic microorganisms in the presence of water. This anaerobic decomposition of complex carbon compounds present in cattle dung produces bio gas and gets completed in about 60 days. The bio gas so produced starts to collect in dome shaped roof of bio gas plant and is supplied to homes through pipes. The spent slurry is replaced from time to time with fresh slurry to continue the production of bio gas.

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- How does fixed dome type biogas plant work?