According to ohm’s law the current (I) flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (V) across the ends of the conductor, provided temperature of the conductor is kept constant, i.e.
or V I
or V = R X I
Where R is constant and is called resistance.
Resistance of a Conductor
The resistance of a conductor is the property of a conductor to oppose the flow of current passing through it. The resistance of a conductor may be defined as the ratio of potential difference (V) across the ends of the conductor to the current (I) flowing through it, i.e.
Resistance =
or R =
The S.I. unit of a resistance is ohm. It is represented by the symbol omega (Ω)
1 ohm (Ω)
1 ohm is the resistance of a conductor through which a current of 1 ampere flows when a potential difference of 1 volt is applied across its ends ; e.g.
1 Ohm =
Factors Affecting the Resistance of a Conductor
The various factors that affect the resistance of a conductor are:
1. Length of the Conductor
The resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to the length of the conductor, i.e.
R l
Therefore the resistance of the conductor becomes double it the length of a conductor is doubled, and the resistance of the conductor becomes half if the length of a conductor is halved.
2. Area of Cross Section of the Conductor
The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to area of cross-section of the conductor, i.e.
Therefore the resistance of the conductor becomes half when the area of cross-section of a wire is doubled, and the resistance of the conductor becomes double when the area of cross-section of wire is halved. This means that a thick wire has less resistance than a thin wire.
3. Nature of Material of the Conductor
The resistance of a conductor depends on the nature of the material of which it is made.
4. Effect of Temperature
The value resistance of a conductor increases on raising the temperature and decreases on lowering the temperature.
Question:- Why electrician wear rubber hand gloves while working with electricity? Answer:- Electrician wear rubber hand gloves while working with electricity because rubber is bad conductor of electricity and protects them from electric shocks. |
Specific Resistance or Resistivity
We know that R I
and R
By combining both equation we get
or R = ρ X
Where ρ (rho) is a constant and is know as specific resistance or resistivity.
By re-arranging equation (3) we get
ρ = R X
if A = 1m2 and l = 1m then from equation (4), we get
ρ = R
Thus the specific resistance or resistivity of a conductor is resistance of a conductor which is 1 meter long and 1 square meter in cross section. S.I. Unit of specific resistance or resistivity is ohm-m or Ω-m.
Test Your Understanding and Answer These Questions:
- What is ohm’s law?
- What is definition of resistance?
- What is specific resistance?
- What is S.I. unit of specific resistance?
- What is S.I. unit of resistance of a conductor?
- What are the factors effecting resistance of a conductor?
- Why electrician wear rubber hand gloves while working with electricity?