Renewable Sources of Energy

Spherical Reflector Type Solar Cooker

A spherical reflector type solar cooker consists of a large spherical (concave) reflector which reflects the sun’s energy to a single focus point due to which a high temperature is produced in the focus area. Since, a spherical reflector type solar cooker reflects and concentrates the heat energy of sunlight into a small area; it is referred as solar concentrator. As much higher temperature is produced in spherical reflector type solar cooker as compared to box type solar cooker, so they are used to cook those food materials which require strong heating.

To cook food by this cooker the position of spherical reflector is adjusted in such a manner that it receives maximum sun rays. When sun rays fall on spherical reflector, they get reflected and concentrated at the focus point and produce very high temperature. Now, the cooking utensil containing raw food is placed at the focus of the cooker with the help of a stand. The temperature produced in solar concentrator is usually in the range of 1800C to 2000C depending on its size and the quality of reflecting surface.

Test Your Understanding and Answer These Questions:

  1. What is a solar concentrator?
  2. How solar concentrator works?

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